Garbage Services
The City of Mansfield provides weekly household trash pickup for its citizens and businesses. There are five collection zones:
southwest, northwest, central, northeast, and southeast.
Weekly collection days are:
Monday - southwest zone
Tuesday - northwest zone
Wednesday - central zone
Thursdays - northeast zone
Fridays - southeast zone
Residents may verify or determine their day of service by calling City Hall
at 318-872-0406, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rates: Garbage Services
Trash Collection Services are: $10.00 monthly
Commercial Trash Collection requiring additional pickup - minimum $24.00 monthly
Only household garbage is to be placed at the curb for pickup services. Trash must be stored in a plastic container (preferably no largerpw6842 than 39 gallons) to prevent it from being carried or deposited by the elements or animals upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or private property. According to the City of Mansfield's Code of Ordinances - Health and Sanitation Code Sec. 10-48.